STONE RIDGE, NY—At their regularly scheduled Town Board Meeting on Tuesday evening, February 19, the Town of Marbletown honored the High Falls Conservancy with a certificate of recognition in appreciation for the conservancy’s years of service to the hamlet of High Falls.
The High Fall Conservancy’s many efforts at preserving the historic nature and natural beauty of community include securing grants and working with professional planning and engineering companies in assisting to create long-term goals and development plans for the hamlet. Working with the Town of Marbletown, Central Hudson, the New York State DOT, Riverkeeper, and concerned citizens, the Conservancy has led the way in creating landscaping around the Kathy Cairo Davis Memorial Bridge, and numerous beatification projects such as planting hundreds of daffodils along Route 213 and decorating the bridge for the holidays.
The Conservancy publishes an Annual Book – Stories of High Falls that honors long-time residents of the hamlet; and working with the DOT, the Town of Marbletown, and the Marbletown Rail Trail Committee, the Conservancy has developed on-going plans for improvements to the trail along the Rondout Creek, linking it to the O&W Rail Trail , the High Falls Historic District and the. D&H Five Locks Walk. Most recently, the Conservancy worked with Central Hudson to create the new viewing platform overlooking the falls. The Conservancy is coordinating with businesses, organizations, and residents to plan the High Falls 350th Anniversary Celebration, and hosted the Kick Off Town Meeting at the High Falls Firehouse.
“It has been an amazing experience for me working with The High Falls Conservancy this past year,” says Marbletown Town Councilman, Eric Stewart. “Richard and Carole have set a high bar for both professionalism and volunteer service. They’re an inspiration. I know that I speak for the entire Town Board when I say that this recognition is long overdue. We look forward to continuing to work with them in bringing great things to High Falls.”
Richard and Carole accepted the certificate on behalf of the High Falls Conservancy. Richard said, “We are honored to accept this Certificate on behalf of the many loyal and committed members and volunteers who together make up the High Falls Conservancy. Without these wonderful people who all care deeply for the culture, natural beauty, and people of High Falls, the mission of the Conservancy could not be carried out.”
The High Falls Conservancy wishes to express our sincere thanks to Supervisor Rich Parete, and all members of the Marbletown Town Board for their assistance and support of the Conservancy and its projects.
